Hello there!
Iam Ambika :)

A Web Designer who gives life to elegant websites.


I am Freelance front-end designer based in India , I have hands-on experience designing responsive websites with best-looking user-interface. The source for my passion to boom in this field grew two years back and am still digging deep to satisfy my hunger for learning everything possible in web world. My love for colors is high, this is what motivates me to produce well organised, decent and rich in look websites. I build websites from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery, Bootstrap and I use Photoshop and Gimp to create or edit mockups and pictures. Currently learning WordPress to speed up the designing work.

Technologies I love and Use!

<HTML 5>
{CSS 3}

Tools I have worked with



Website Design

I use HTML, CSS, Javascript and Jquery as a weapons to bring your idea from scratch to reality

Responsive Design

Want your website to be accessible by wide range of users, be it a mobile, tablet, desktop and others? Hey you reached right person!


30% of websites are built using this guy, let him make you happy too


Do you have website designed in photoshop. Hehe, share with me, I'll convert them to fully responsive website



Themed Login UI

This project contains simple login user interface where user is allowed to change the theme of page. Tried achieving possibly good color combination best at my knowledge which is one the key skills to be adopted by good front-end designer.
Technologies used:HTML5, CSS3, Vanilla JS and Jquery.

Landing Page -by Frontend Mentor

This is template designed and hosted by Frontend-Mentor for Web designer who are noob and want to test there skills in UI designing.
Technologies used : HTML5, CSS3

Analog clock

Analog clock is one of the favourite project from one of my favourite courses called "JAVASCRIPT 30" by Wesbos This project includes usage of basic Date object and its properties to get current time and map that to CSS styling information using Javascript
Technologies used : HTML5, CSS3, Vanilla JS

Responsive Design

In the world of Responsive design why shldn't I add a trendy glimpse of responsive work on portfolio, yes here we go this is one of the project completed in free Udemy course.It is a minimal looking blog structure.
Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery